1. Kahoot - Friendship https://play.kahoot.it/v2/lobby?quizId=2b1cfc5e-4805-4e51-bea0-152499957cf7
2. I will create a maze game using 2DIY 3D game builder on purple-mash.
1. Login to https://purplemash.com/tbs
3. Select 2DIY3D option launch the game App.
4. Select my Simple Game and open it.
5. Begin using the game tools; walls to build the maze, coins, attackers, hurdles, scenery, ground sky.
6. Once done, play the game using the forward, backward, left and right keys.
Next Week.
Welcome student,
LO: I will create a 3D shooter game using sploder game builder.
1. Login to http://www.sploder.com/
3. Select classic shooter.
4. Select enable the flash player and open it.
5. Begin using the game tools; Add ships, robots, powerups and fight with your ray gun, mortars, mines and bots.
6. Once done, play the game using the forward, backward, left and right keys.